10 landmarks you can see from the Beetham Tower

The views from the top of the Beetham Tower in Manchester are outstanding.

With the tower being nearly 170 metres high it is possible to see many of the landmarks in and around Manchester and further afield.

Here are 10 things you can see from the Beetham Tower, that you should look out for:

View from Beetham Tower

1 Snowdon and the snowdonia mountains in Wales

2 The Anglican Cathedral in Liverpool

3 The Blackpool Tower

4 The Lovell Telescope at Jodrell Bank

5 Old Trafford football stadium

6 The Coronation Street set at Granada Studios

7 The MEN arena

8 The Big Dipper at Blackpool pleasure beach

9 The Cheshire plains

10 The Lowry in Manchester

The view really is fantastic from the Beetham Tower in Manchester. Why not go for a drink in Cloud 23 in the Hilton Hotel to see for yourself?